Monday, June 18, 2018

Thank You!!! Moose March 7 in the Books!

Thanks so much to all who came out! And special thanks to all who donated to Operation Jersey Cares - together, we raised over $1,100 for our troops and their families! You are all amazing and I love you!

More pics to follow-- hundreds to sort through!!  

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Moose Marches Past - The Odd Years

We've had so much fun for the last 6 years, and I'm really looking forward to #7 this Saturday! Here are some links to Moose Marches Past...

Moose March 2012 - the first one

Moose March 3 - the green one

Moose March V - the purple one (where we started using Roman numerals lol)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

4 Days to Go!

Hard to believe that Moose March VII is almost here.  I can't wait to see friends and family and have a ton of fun.  For those who are new - you're in for a treat.

Yes, it's a birthday party. Yes, it's a bar crawl.  Yes, we are raising money for charity. Yes, we always have a great time!

Our Charity - Operation Jersey Cares - Facebook Donations Here! Thank you so much!

What is Moose March, anyway?

they’re heeeeeere!

The 2018 Moose March T-Shirts have arrived!! I am really excited— they are super comfortable, and the safety orange logo/word marks are bright!

Can't wait to share them with all of you!

Moose March XI - June 11, 2022!

Moose March XI Hello everyone! It's hard to believe that we are starting our 2nd decade of Moose March on June 11, 2022.  I'm getti...