Monday, June 10, 2019

Moose March VIII in the books!

Another year, another great Moose March - we all had a fantastic time! I really love all of you so much.

So many people to thank, and I will do that in multiple posts.  Also, there are a ton of photos from many people, and I will try to gather them to one location.  Stay tuned, and thank you 2019 Moose Marchers!!

Friday, June 7, 2019

Moose March Eve!

Reposting an oldie but goodie!! See all of you beautiful people tomorrow! ❤️

‘Tis the night before Moose March,
and all through the town
Hums a buzz about fun
That's about to go down.
The T-shirts are ready,
All packed up with care--
To be given to good friends
Who soon will be there.
Jell-O shots are nestled
All snug in their bin
As fridge's cool air
Help settle them in.
Remembering the greatness
Of Moose Marches past
Gives everyone memories
We all know will last
So get ye prepared
For Saturday's cheer
And let's drink to good times
And another great year!

Thursday, June 6, 2019

7 Days of Memories - Pics of MM6!

We had so much fun celebrating Moose March VI on June 10, 2017.  Everyone looked AMAZING in the super comfortable heathered light blue T shirts.  This was the first year that we added our charity, Operation Jersey Cares, onto the back of the shirt design.  There was also a secret limited edition black & red shirt that only a few of us have. And...Santosen Babies!!!

Rumor has it that there's a video of me on stage with the Boy Band Experience....but you can't prove anything...or can you?

Too many pictures to post here...and it was so hard to choose...but here's a sampling of the fun:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

7 Days of Memories - Pics of MMV!

We had a crazy time at Moose March V on June 11, 2016!  People may not know this, but the T Shirts were purple that year because we had just lost the Purple One himself - Prince - that past April.

So many firsts that year:

  • We officially started using Roman Numerals on our T shirts
  • I started my company, MWM Financial LLC that year, so naturally I sponsored my own shirts
  • We met a new friend at Jamian's, Genevieve, who is now one of us
  • Gleny made a Snapchat filter for us
  • I may or may not have danced on stage at the Downtown...

Anyway, here are some photos of the fun...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

7 Days of Memories - Pics of MM4!

Moose March IV was held on June 13, 2015.  It marked the first time we used a new T shirt company, SJS Specialty, and I tried to be clever by putting a 4 in the word "M4rch". We painted the town red that year- and had a ton of fun doing it!  Here are some pics of the amazing night...

Monday, June 3, 2019

7 Days of Memories - Pics of MM3!

Moose March 3 - the epic first trilogy - was held on June 7, 2014.  Lots of firsts this year - my father joined the fun for stop #1 at Walt St. Pub, my PSU friend Gia came to visit after a million years, and we actually had *alternate* color T shirts (green and pink by popular demand).  Oh! Ask Tina how she won that $$$ at the Broadway Diner.  Here are some pics of the fun...

Moose March XI - June 11, 2022!

Moose March XI Hello everyone! It's hard to believe that we are starting our 2nd decade of Moose March on June 11, 2022.  I'm getti...